
(206) 520-5000
Harborview Medical Center
325 9th Avenue
Campus Box 359755
Seattle, WA 98104
Dr. Bennett is committed to a career in academic medicine as a geriatrics clinician educator, promoting Age-Friendly Care for Older adults.
She serves as the Program Director for the Geriatric Medicine Fellowship, which trains the next generation of leaders in geriatric medicine.
She is a current recipient of the Geriatric Academic Career Award (GACA) through the Health Services and Research Administration (HRSA). Her project focuses on Age-Friendly Interprofessional Education via Telehealth. She has extensive experience and training in medical education and has developed geriatrics curricula and evaluation tools for health professions students, residents, and fellows.
She is the Assistant Director for Education of the Northwest Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Center (nwgwec.org) funded by HRSA and serves as the founding medical director (est. 2016) of UW’s Project ECHO-Geriatrics (an interprofessional case consultation and education program delivered via telehealth). She worked with two Area Agencies on Aging to create and implement a practicum that teaches family medicine residents, geriatric medicine fellows, and nurse practitioner students about community resources that can optimize the health and well-being of their patients.
She is an advocate for support of geriatrics education. She is on the Board of the National Association for Geriatrics Education (NAGE), and was elected President of NAGE (President Elect 2018-19, President 2019-20). She testified at a U.S. Senate Health Labor and Education (HELP) Committee Hearing in February 2019 to promote expansion of and funding for Project ECHO and the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program.
She practices at Harborview Medical Center in the Senior Care Clinic, on the inpatient geriatrics and general medicine services, and has practiced in the post- acute care setting.
Scholarly Interests
Medical education; interprofessional geriatrics telehealth education and evaluation; age-friendly primary care workforce development
Education & Training
Fellowship, Geriatric Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle WA (2009-2011)
Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle WA (2006-2009)
MD, Ohio State University (2006)
College, Washington University, St. Louis (2001)
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