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Senior Care Clinic

The Senior Care Clinic provides primary and consultative care to older patients. Evaluation and management of health and cognitive concerns, physical exams, blood tests, immunizations, flu shots, foot care, illness prevention, one-on-one teaching about safety issues relevant to seniors, such as fall assessment and prevention.

Medicine G Inpatient Services

The Medicine G Inpatient Services range from co-management to consultation, including physicians in the subspecialty of geriatric medicine. Scope of consultations may include diagnosis and management services, peri-operative evaluation, assessment of function, and discharge planning.

Falls Clinic

The Falls Clinic at Harborview Medical Center provides comprehensive fall risk assessments and treatment recommendations to reduce fall risk for patients who have fallen or have issues with walking and balance. Services include assessment of fall risk factors, development of a management plan, and follow-up.

Post Acute Care

Formal affiliations have been established with skilled nursing facilities to specifically accommodate patients discharged from UW Medicine Hospitals.

HMC Geriatric Clinical CounciL

The Geriatric Council informs and guides the strategic, clinical, and operational initiatives at HMC including allocation of resources, utilization review, and quality assurance issues as appropriate.


Palliative Care In-patient Consult Service 

Palliative care provides an inter-professional team approach to supporting patients and their families facing serious illness. Our primary goal is to improve quality of life and relieve stress by addressing physical, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural needs while providing an extra layer of support and communication.


Clinical news

February 12, 2025
Film screening: Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer
Please join us for a film screening on March 14, 3:30pm, in the Health Sciences Turner Auditorium.
January 29, 2025
We speak your language
We serve diverse communities throughout the region and have a number of resources for providing language inclusive care.
December 13, 2024
A transformative leader
Honoring Dr. Barbara Jung and highlighting her accomplishments.